ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   বৃহস্পতিবার ২৪ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ৯ কার্তিক ১৪৩১

Subject : English [Unseen Passage]

Class : Five

রতন চন্দ্র বাড়ই

প্রকাশিত: ০১:৩৬, ৩১ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩

Class : Five


প্রাক্তন শিক্ষক 
হলি রোজারি হাই স্কুল, ঢাকা

Read the text and answer the questions 5, 6 7 and 8.
There was a shepherd in a village. He was a liar. He tended his cows by a forest. One day, he cried out to make fun. “Wolf! Wolf! Help!”. The farmers, who worked in the field, ran to the place to help him. But they found no wolf. The shepherd laughed at them. The farmers would become annoyed and return to their work. He did this fun once more. The people came as before. They again saw the same trick and got very angry. One day, the wolf really came. The shepherd cried out for help. But none came to help him. The wolf killed the shepherd and his flock. The poor unfortunate shepherd lost his life for telling lies.
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box below. There are three extra words which you need not use.
(a) The shepherd ___sheep by the forest.
(b) He was very wicked and a __.
(c) He __fun with the farmers.
(d) At last, the farmers understood his __.
(e) They did not come to help him when he was in real __.
6. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ or ‘False’. If false give the correct answer.
7. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences.
(a) Where did the shepherd live?
(b) What did he do by the side of the forest?
(c) What did he do one day?
(d) Why did the farmers run towards the forest?
(e) Why did the farmers become annoyed with the shepherd?
8. Suppose, you are Ratan. Write letter to your friend, Anjon about the consequences of telling a lie. (Write at least six sentences) Here are some words to help you: address, date, salutation, main points of the letter, closing.
9. Make five WH questions from the given statements (By using who, what, when, where, why, which and how). Make question with the underlined word(s).
(a) Babul’s father took Nipa home.
(b) He began looking for his father.
(c) He looked at the field, the buildings and the trees.
(d) Many people in Bangladesh were missing after cyclone Aila.
(e) Fruits and vegetables are on the next level of the Pyramid.
10. Re-arrange the words in appropriate order to make meaningful sentences.
(a) Our, are, many, places, in, there, see, to, country.
(b) museum, left, we, at, the, 12:30.
(c) to, since, she, was, been, unable, see she, has, born.
(d) rickshaws, we take, didn’t, any.
(e) gibbon, we, and, saw, a, looked up!
5. (a) tender (b) liar (c) made (d) tricks (e) danger.
6. (a) False. Correct answer: The shepherd was a liar.
(b) False. Correct answer: He tended his sheep by a forest.
(c) True
(d) True
(e) True
(f) False. Correct answer: The wolf was killed by the shepherd and his flock.   
7. (a) The Shepherd lived in a village.
(b) He tended his sheep by the side of the forest.
(c) One day, he made fun crying out “Wolf! Wolf! Help!”
(d) The farmers ran towards the forest to help the shepherd.
(e) The farmers became annoyed with the shepherd because there was no tiger and he made them fool, One day a wolf really came, the shepherd cried out for help but none came to help him. The wolf killed the shepherd.
8. 105, Green Road
Farmgate, Dhaka
30 January, 2022
Dear Anjon
I received your letter yesterday. I am very delighted to know that you are interested to know about the consequence of a liar. Now, I am going to write a few lines about it.
Once there lived a shepherd. He used to tell a lie and often be fooled others by telling lies. He used to cry uttering wolf! Wolf! Just to make fun. Farmers working in the field used to come to save him. When they came, the shepherd laughed. The farmers went back to their work. In this way, he almost every day made fun and be fooled the people. But one day really a wolf came and the boy cried ‘wolf! Wolf’!. The farmers heard his cry but nobody came to rescue him. They thought that the boy was just making fun. However, the wolf killed
the shepherd. 
No more today. I am fine. With best regards to your parents and love to the younger’s. 
Your loving friend
9. (a) Who did Babul’s father take home?
(b) Who did he begin looking for?
(c) Where did he look at?
(d) How many people in Bangladesh were missing after cyclone Aila?
(e) Where are fruits and vegetable?
10. (a) There are many places to see in our country.
(b) We left the museum at 12:30.
(c) She has been unable to see since she was born.
(d) We did not take any rickshaws.
(e) We looked up and saw a gibbon!
