ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   সোমবার ২৯ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১৫ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

(English Grammar & Literature)

বিসিএস কর্নার

প্রকাশিত: ০৭:২৩, ২১ এপ্রিল ২০১৮

বিসিএস কর্নার

1. Who is the author of `treaswer Island’? ক) Daniel Defor খ) Sir Canon Doyle গ) Robert Louis Stevenson ঘ) Jules Verne 2.Which one is in masculine torm? ক) Mare খ) Mymph গ) Stag ঘ) Heirass 3. What is the Meaning of the Word `Scuttle’? ক) To Tease খ) Abandon গ) Pileup ঘ) Gossip 4. He Taced-Difficulties ক) In খ) With গ) Of ঘ) By 5.Shanim and-are going to the Cinema ক) Me খ) Myself গ) My ঘ) I 6.What does the word `Brochure’ means? ক) Pamphlet খ) An Alphabetic Lict of Words গ) A Bibliography ঘ) Anagram 7.Instesd of `Contirm’ We Can nay- ক) Bear out খ) Bear on গ) Bear to ঘ) Bear of 8. Antonym of `Harmony’ is ক) Concord খ) Discord গ) Consonance ঘ) Accord 9. Synonym of ’Ambiguous’ is- ক) Clear খ) Uncler গ) Hard ঘ) Banish 10. Who is the author of `A Passage to India’? ক) Dylan Thonnas খ) Edge Allan poe গ) E.M.Foster ঘ) Charles Dickens 11. Choose the Correct Sentence ক) I Have a Little Lriends in Bangladesh খ) I Have Little Lriends in Bangladesh গ) I Have Lew Lriends in Bangladesh ঘ) I Have a Lew Lriends in Bangladesh 12. Conjectore ক) Secret Palpable খ) Surnise- Beyond doubt গ) Excess Shortage ঘ) Punctual... Late 13.Which Of the following Sentences is not Correct? ক) Since we Were Late, So We decided to go by taxi খ)We were Late, So we decided to go by taxi গ) Since we were late we decided to go by taxi ঘ) Becaus we were late, we decided to go by taxi উত্তর : ১.গ ২.গ ৩. খ ৪. খ ৫.ঘ ৬. ক ৭.ক ৮.খ ৯.খ ১০.গ ১১.ঘ ১২.খ ১৩.ক ।