ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   বৃহস্পতিবার ২৫ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১১ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

কিছু অতিরিক্ত জঁষবং ॥ বিশেষ আয়োজন

প্রকাশিত: ০৬:০৭, ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৭

কিছু অতিরিক্ত জঁষবং ॥ বিশেষ আয়োজন

সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, ইংরেজি হলি ফ্লাওয়ার মডেল কলেজ E-mail: [email protected] মোবাইল : ০১৭২২-১০৬২৪৫ শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, ইতিপূর্বে তোমাদের জন্য দুই পর্বে Voice Change নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি। এবারে কিছু অতিরিক্ত নিয়ম আলোচনা করা হলো। আগামী লেখায় সামগ্রিকভাবে Voice Changeউপস্থাপন করা হবে। Rule-1: Double object বা দুটি object থাকলে যে কোন একটি object কে Passive voice-Gi Subject করতে হয়। যেমন- Active : She gave me a Pen. Passive : I was given a pen by her. Or, A Pen was given me by her. Rule-2 : Complex এবং ঈCompound Sentenceএর Passive করতে দুটি উপায় অনুসরণ করা যায় : (১) উভয় Clause এর Passive করা (২) Subordinate Clause কে Subject ধরে Passive করা। যেমন- Active: I know that he will help me. Passive : It is Known to me that I will be helped by him. Or, That I will be helped by him is known to me. Subordinate clause এ কোন object না থাকলে পুরো Sub. clause টিকেobject ধরে Passive করতে হয়। Active : I know how he has come. sub. clause Passive : How he has arrived is known to me. Rule-3 : Reflexive Pronoun (My self, ourselves, himself, herself) থাকলে Passive করার নিয়ম : গঠন : Active এর Sub + tense অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + এর P.P + by + Reflexive Pronoun. Active : He Killed himself. Passive : He was Killed by himself. Active : She fans herself. Passive : She is fanned by herself. Rule-4 : Quasi-Passive (Sub + verb + Adjective) থাকলে Passive করার দুটি উপায় রয়েছে। গঠন : Sub+ to be verb + Adj. + when + 1g Sub অনুযায়ী it/they tense অনুযায়ী to be verb + g~j verb Gi P.P form. Or, MVb : Sub + tense Abyhvqx to be verb + g~j verb -Gi P.P + Adj. Active : Rice Sells cheap Passive : Rice is Cheap when it is sold. OR, Rice is sold cheap. Active : The blanket feels soft. Passive : The blanket is soft when it is felt. OR, The blanket is felt soft. Rule-5 : Transitive verb Gi Complement, Passive voice Gi Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq bv| Active : we elected him chairman. Passive : He was elected chairman by us. Rule-6 : Need, bid, dare, make, hear, let see, know, watch cÖf…wZ verb ¸‡jvi ci to Dn¨ _v‡K| wKš‘ Passive Kivi mgq G‡`i ci to e‡m| Active : I made him do the work. Passive : He was made to do the work by me. Active : We saw them play. Passive : They were seen to play by us. Rule-7 : Passive Voice-G by Qvov Ab¨ preposition †hgb to, at, in, with BZ¨vw` e¨eüZ nq| Active : I Know the truth. Passive : The truth is Known to me. Active : Her behavior Surprised me, Passive : I was surprised at her behavior Active : Light filled the room. Passive : The room was filled with light. Active : The parcel contains important materials. Passive : Important materials ore contained in the parcel. Rule-8 : agree, `decide, demand, determine, arrange Gi ci infinitive _vK‡j Passive Kivi wbqg : Active : He decided to sell the house. Passive : He decided that the house should be sold Rule-9 : advise, suggest, propose, recommend Gi ci gerund _vK‡j Passive Kivi wbqg gerund _vK‡j Passive Kivi wbqg : Active : He suggested giving up smoking. Passive : He suggested that smoking should be given up. Rule-10 : One should hy³ Sentence †K Passive Kivi wbqg : Active : One should take care of one’s health. Passive : Health should be taken care of. (one ev` hv‡e) Passive †_‡K Active †Kvb Pssive Sentence-G object Dn¨ _vK‡j Active Kivi mgq A_© Abyhvqx Subject wb‡Z nq| Passive : English is Spoken all over the world. Active : People speak English all over the world. Passive : The Ship was burnt. Active : Fire burnt the ship. Passive : He is not known here. Active : None knows him here. Passive : He is called a liar. Active : People call him a liar. Passive : Rome was not built in a day. Active : The Roman did not built Rome in a day. Passive : I was compelled to do it. Active : Circumstance compelled me to do it. Passive : The Thief was caught. Active : The police caught the thief.