ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   শনিবার ২৭ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১৩ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

Akil Zaman Enu

Idioms & Phrases

প্রকাশিত: ০৮:০৮, ২৩ মে ২০১৮

Idioms & Phrases

1. Kingdom come (mg‡qi ‡kl): He is so late; it feels like IÕve been waiting for kingdom come. 2. Between a rock and a hard place (Dfqm¼U): Given to the tight schedule and low budget, weÕre basically between a rock and a hard place. 3.Storm out (`ªæZ cÖ¯’vb ‡bqv): She stormed out of the room just as her phone rang. 4.Dime a dozen (AwZ m¯Ív A_ev LyeB mvaviY): Starry sky might be a rare sight in town regions, but itÕs dime a dozen in deserts. 5.Speak of the devil (KviI m¤ú‡K© K_v ejvi gyn~‡Z© Zvi AvMgb): Speak of the devil; we were just talking about how you left in a hurry awhile ago. 6.Rock bottom (me©wbgœ ¯Íi): I guess your humanity has hit rock bottom if you are that indifferent to their crisis. 7.Hard nut to crack (KwVb e¨w³): It is futile trying to get information out of her; after all, sheÕs a hard nut to crack. 8.Out of the blue (AK¯§vr fv‡e): He dashed into my room out of the blue and started sobbing. 9.At oneÕs wits end (nZeyw× nIqv): I am at my wits end hearing the news of her fatherÕs death. 10.Barking up the wrong tree (¸R‡e wek¦vm Kiv): The boy is fairly innocent, the policemen are simply barking up the wrong tree. 11.DevilÕs advocate (Z‡K©i LvwZ‡i ZK© Kiv): Your job is to play devilÕs advocate in the meeting, oppose any idea others suggest. 12.Method in oneÕs madness (evwn¨Kfv‡e Db¥v`bv g‡b n‡jI hyw³MZ KvR): Although he acts irrational from time to time, IÕm sure thereÕs method in his madness. 13.Cloud nine (Pig Lywki Ae¯’v): The family is on cloud nine since the moment the baby was born. 14.Long story short (mvivskKiY): Long story short, he betrayed us and left on the deal. 15.Count oneÕs blessings (‡mŠfvM¨ Dcjwä Kiv): Despite cruel circumstances, IÕll just count my blessings and serve in every possible way.