ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   শনিবার ২৭ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ১৩ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

রাসেল আহমেদ;###;বিএ (অনার্স) এমএ (ইংরেজি), বিএড (১ম শ্রেণি);###;সহকারী শিক্ষক (ইংরেজি);###;আহাম্মদাবাদ উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, ত্রিশাল, ময়মনসিংহ;###;পরীক্ষক: মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা বোর্ড, ঢাকা।;###;মোবাইল : ০১৭২৭৯৩৮৮১৫

এসএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি বিষয় ॥ ইংরেজি

প্রকাশিত: ০৫:৩৭, ১৭ আগস্ট ২০১৭

এসএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি বিষয় ॥ ইংরেজি

Question no- 7 Completing sentence 12.(a) An educational institution is a seat of learning so________________ (b) It should be a peaceful place where______________________ (c) But nowadays peaceful atmosphere is absent from educational institutions because________________ (d) The students who are punctual, ____________________ (e) The sooner it can be controlled,_______________________ 13.(a) We come to knwo about the happenings of home and abroad if____________________ (b) People read newspaper lest_________________ (c) Maû students do not read newspaper regularly as___________________ (d) Maû people earn their living_____________________ (e) I become happy when___________________________ 14.(a) 1971 is the year when____________________ (b) Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources,__________________________ (c) He canÕt cut a good figure in the exam because_______________________ (d) Be truthful if _________________ (e) His silence proves that____________________ 15.(a)Yesterday I could not get up from bed in time because_________________ (b) As soon as I got up from bed_____________________ (c) Since I could not avail the bus,____________________ (d) On the way to school, I walked fast lest___________________ (e) If I reached late___________________ 16.(a) Five years have passed since______________________ (b) It is a matter of sorrwo that__________________ (c) I tried to write to you _________________ (d) In fact, we all are always happy__________________ (e) We hope that____________________ 17. (a) Maû people cut tees________________ (b) Trees cause rainfall__________________ (c) If we cut trees at random,____________________ (d) Trees supply oxygen without which__________________ (e) Since trees help us in maû ways, _________________ 18.(a) If you do not waste your time, _________________________ (b) This is the boy who_______________________ (c) I wish_______________________ (d) United we stand____________________ (e) The boy is so weak in mathematics that____________________ Answer: 12.(a) we should be sincere enough to maintain its sanctity. (b) the learners can carry on their studies uninterrupted. (c) the students are engaged in creating an abnormal situation there. (d) shine in life. (e) the better the situation will be. 13.(a) we read newspaper. (b) they should/might miss the news of home and abroad. (c) they are not aware of the importance of reading newspaper. (d) by selling newspaper, (e) I read newspapers. 14.(a) we became independent. (b) we should use them properly. (c) he is not attentive to study. (d) you want to be successful in life. (e) he is guilty. 15.(a) I went to bed late. (b) I started getting ready for school. (c) I began to walk. (d) I should miss the class. (e) I would/could not attend the class. 16. (a) my father went away. (b) I canÕt meet him. (c) but couldnÕt write. (d) to lead a simple life. (e) we shall/will meet with him soon. 17.(a) at random. (b) which is essential for our agriculture. (c) it will make the environment unbalanced. (d) we can’t live. (e) we should not cut down trees at random. 18. (a) certainly you will shine in life. (b) came to me yesterday. (c) I were a child. (d) divided we fall. (e) he cannot work out a simple addition.