ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   শনিবার ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪, ১২ শ্রাবণ ১৪৩১

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকের পড়াশোনা-বিষয় ॥ ইংরেজি

প্রকাশিত: ২০:২৯, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর ২০২০

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকের পড়াশোনা-বিষয় ॥ ইংরেজি

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুগণ, গত সংখ্যায় আমরা ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্রের (Question No.5) Gap filling with correct form of verbs (right form of verbs and subject–verb agreement as per context)–এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু নিয়ম আলোচনাকরেছি। আজ আমরা উক্ত নিয়মের ব্যবহার ও পরীক্ষার উপযোগী উদাহরণ অনুশীলন করব। উল্লেখ্য, পরীক্ষায় ১০টি শূন্যস্থানসহ একটি অনুচ্ছেদ দেওয়া থাকবে। প্রতিটি শূন্যস্থান-এর সাথে ব্রাকেটের মধ্যে মূল verbটি দেয়া থাকবে। উত্তরে শূন্যস্থান উপযোগী ১০টি verb-এর সঠিক রূপ লিখতে হবে। 1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 When l (a) (enter) the restaurant, I found that it (b) (be) quite crowded. I took a seat and (c) (order) my meal. While I (d) (wait) for my rice and fish to arrive, I looked around to see if there (e) (be) anyone in the restaurant whom I (f) (know). Then i noticed a man (g) (sit) at a corner table near the door. He kept (h) (glance)in my direction as if he knew me. But i was sure I had never (i) (see) him before. He (j) (have) a newspaper open in front of him. He was pretending to read it, but actually he was keeping an eye on me all the time. 2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Tigers are peculiar in nature. They (a) (know) as ferocious animal. But specialist say that they (b) (not kill) any animal that comes in their way. A tiger likes (c)(eat) and it kills swiftly. It (d) (kill) a deer in two or three minutes and a buffalo in five minutes. It always charges from side or rear. With a quick leap, it (e) (topple) the victim quickly and break its neck. They (f) (have) the slightest warning of tigers approach. As the paws are soft in big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without (g) (cause) a single crackle. The scientist (h)(conduct) research on tigers for a long time. They found out important information about tigers. It is known that while tigers (i) (attack) in heard of animal, they target only one animal. If they fail (j) (not kill) other. 3. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Within the last century the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (a) (increase) dramatically because people (b) (burn) vast amounts of fossils, coal and petroleum. Average global temperature (c) (to have) also increased by about 0.6 degree Celsius within the past century. Scientists (d) (find) that human activities (e) (be) responsible for at least half of the temperature increase. They (f) (predict) that unless drastic action (g) (take), global temperature (h) (continue) to rise by 1.45 to 0.8 degree Celsius over the next century. This rise in atmospheric temperature will make the polar caps (i) (melt). If it happens, the low lands of many countries including Bangladesh will be (j)(submerge). 4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Education is often (a) (compare) to light and (b) (consider) as the pillar of human civilization. So, it is only education which can (c)(make) a nation (d) . (rise) to the level of standard development. From this point of view, it (e) (become) quite clear to us that if a country (f) (provide) it people with time-be-fitting education (g) (require) for the modern aspects of life, it (h) (be) able to (i) (achieve) an all-out prosperity to the betterment and welfare of the nation. Otherwise, the nation (j) (remain) in darkness of ignorance. 5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Nowadays women (a)(contribute) a lot to the national economy. In the past, the society (b) (allow) them to come out of doors. They (c) (be) confined within the four walls of the house. At present they (d) (take) part in various sectors. Many women (e) (be) in teaching and administration. They (f) (work) with their male partners. As they (g) (constitute) almost half of our total population, they cannot be (h) (ignore) anyway. Nowadays they are being (i) (inspire) through many incentives. It is undoubtedly a very good sign that can (j) (implement) by all. 6. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Alexander (a)(become) the king at the age of twenty.Alexander (b) (receive) the training of warfare from his father.The great philosopher, Aristotle (c) (be) his tutor. After his father’s death, a serious (d) (revolt) broke out in his Kingdom. Alexander (e) (restore) law and order in a very short time. Then young Alexander (f) (attack) the Persianempire in about 334 B.C. There he (g)(fight) two battlesand (h)(achieve) great victories. He (i) (be) a fearless man. After conquering Persia he attacked Egypt also and (j) (established) a city called Alexandria at the mouth of the river Nile. 7. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5x10=5 Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues which (a) (make) a man really great. A man (b) (trust) by others if he (c)(cultivate) the habit of (d) (speak) the truth. A man who (e)(trust) by anybody can (f)(gain) any position. A man can (g) (achieve) his ends once or twice by (h) (tell) lies but no permanent gain (i) (come) out of such success. It must come to light sooner or later. Then the real character of the liar gets (j) (expose) and nobody trusts him anymore. এবার তোমার উত্তরের সঙ্গে নিচের উত্তরগুলো মিলিয়ে নাও: Answer- 1 (a) entered; (b) was; (c) ordered; (d) was waiting; (e) was; (f) knew; (g) Sitting, (h) glancing, (i) seen; (j) had Answer- 2 (a) are known; (b) don'tkill; (c) eating/ to eat; (d) kills; (e) topples; (f) have; (g) causing; (h) has beenconducting; (i) attack (j) don't kill Answer- 3 (a) has increased; (b) burn; (c) has; (d) have found; (e) are, (f) have predicted; (g) is taken; (h) will Continue; (i) melt; (j) submerged Answer- 4 (a) compared; (b) considered; (c) make; (d) rise; (e) becomes; (f) provides; (g) required; (h) will be; (i) achieve; (j) will remain Answer- 5 (a) are contributing; (b) did not allow; (c) were; (d) are taking; (e) are; (f) are working; (g) constitute; (h) ignored; (i) inspired; (j) be implemented Answer- 6 (a) became; (b) received; (c) was; (d) revolt; (e) restored; (f) attacked; (g) fought; (h) achieved; (i) was; (i) established Answer- 7 (a) makes; (b) is trusted; (c) cultivates; (d) speaking; (e) is not trusted; (f) cannot gain; (g) achieve; (h) telling; (i) comes; (j) exposed